Geiger Engineers developed a preliminary design for the Metropolitan Television Authority's proposed 2000 ft tall broadcast tower to replace their tower lost on 9/11. The design was based on a novel structural system invented by the late David H. Geiger. A central compression shaft is braced by a prestressed cable shroud. The compression shaft is a steel box truss with out-to-out plan dimensions of 9.75 m (32 ft) per side. The cable shroud is arranged in a super-circular plan with base dimensions of 120 m x 120 m (394 ft x 394 ft). The tower height is 564 m (1850 ft) to the antenna platform base. The antennas are 46 m (150 ft) tall for an overall height of 610 m (2000 ft.). The preliminary design considered deformation under service criteria and worst case load conditions.